". . . of all the stories I've ever heard from all of the women who like to tell me about mothering, the one thing I have never, ever, EVER heard was, . . . 'I wish I could go back and hold him less,' or, 'I really wish I just would have let her cry.' No- it doesn't matter what type of parenting or discipline method they espouse- they always end with, 'It goes so fast. Enjoy just HOLDING them! I wish I could just rock them again.' Even on my toughest days, I make myself think- 'Someday, I'm going to wish these days were back.'" ~ mamaKristin via GCM
Taking some time to do just this. Will do some blogging later.
<3 Meg
That was very well put Meg. I absolutely love the time I have with my kids and I know sadly one day soon they will be independent and won't need me in that way. I'm trying enjoy every minute that have to do just as you sad. Well put!
It is something I never thought would consume me so much in so many ways, but I'm cherishing these days and moments even though they're often difficult and thankless. That's what women do, isn't it. XOXO