Sunday, June 29, 2008

What a half way mark!

Sorry we dont have up our usual weekly update. I had it all typed up after how ever long it took to do and by the time I was ready to post it, the internet was down - which happens here, so Iĺl have to go back to town to retrieve it from the computer I saved it on, and post it then. Blerg! Anyway, here is a little about what we have been doing LATELY.

Rolland has returned home (here) and we have been joined by 3,000 or so visitors from surrounding villages (yes, Africans) sleeping, eating, and pooping on base with us during this weekends conference. Although the conference started Thursday and ends today, they mostly arrived last Tuesday and will probably stay until this next Thursday. Its been interesting and challenging getting into that low place of service and still exemplifying the fruits of the spirit during exhaustion from working in the hot kitchens for hours every day serving food and washing dishes, and cleaning latrines (which Im thankfully exempt from). Yesterday was the wedding of the Bakers daughter and we had a big wedding feast afterward where we invited the lame, the crippled, and the dying to sit at the head of the table and it was HOLY CHAOS for about 4 hours of chicken dinner, cake and soda for everyone and dancing on the dirty food spilled floor. No, you can not imagine - Ill just go on and tell you that. So weve been pretty busy to say the least. Hopefully Ill have up the update by Tuesday so you can still get in on what weve been learning. This weekend has really been practical application time. Just to give you an idea though - the Third Week update is about Theology and the Fourth Week is, like I said, practical application and gift activation. Those updates will come soon - practice patience in the mean time - we sure are having to! As they say, T.I.A., for This Is Africa. It sounds great I know, but we are really truly enjoying every minute. It was a real honor to serve last night and to see how many people gave their lives to Jesus today at church followed by an immediate baptism service in the Indian Ocean. I DID manage to get pictures of that, although well see how they come out. Well, we are almost half way through now. Its been amazing and Im sure it will continue this way until the very end. Love you all and post more very very soon!

Oh yeah, and I made it successfully into the second trimester with no morning sickness! Yay! Baby is 3 1/2 inches long and starting to make facial expressions. Aw!!! Not feeling baby yet, but will be soon Im sure.

Darryl & Meg

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an incredible wedding feast that we cannot fathom! I really enjoy reading these blogs and try to imagine what it must be like.
    We are still holding you guys up...continue being obedient!

    We miss you so much! I know I miss hearing your voice, Meg and getting text messages from you! I am guessing that you ARE getting the weekly updates about the baby. Awwwww....
