What a delight to have Stephen with us in Pemba! It was like having a friend to school, we showed him around and he got to sit in on a class with us as Rolland taught about faith and missions. We finished off the last week with some good practical information on taking all of this home - to the mission field. Mel Tari from Indonesia came and spoke and Darryl and I had the honor of going out to lunch with him which was a real delight. It was amazing to finish strong and sad to leave all of that behind. Graduation was incredible as Heidi preached on her commissioning sermon on Isaiah 6, "Here I am, Lord, send me!" We went out to eat and packed up the next day to leave in droves. It happened so fast we didn't really realize it until we arrived in Zimpeto. We can't wait to get home now though and spend time with our familes and friends and going over in greater detail our experience this Summer.
It's nice to be in a familiar place now. Although Pemba was starting to feel like home. We are all just so overjoyed to see these ones again and pick up right where we left off. They have grown so much! We feel at home here with these kids. Some things have changed but the kids are still the same rascals we met last year. Pinto says hello Chris! And we have a suprise for you when we get home.
So one week from today we will be on our way back to America. We are really just spending time with the Lord and with ourselves and with the children just decompressing now. It's a good thing because it would have been too much of a shock to come right back to America - this place seems affluent enough compared to where we were! See you all soon. After this, we will use this blog to keep updates on the baby! We're at the halfway mark now and I'm feeling little kicks ever day. It's exciting! Get your name recommendations ready.....
Darryl & Mimi